Sunday, February 8, 2009

Exploring Media

My exploring media project is focused on my University life. Coming from New York and beginning my freshman year at McGill University was both a scary and exciting experience. I had never lived on my own for a long period of time before and it was definitely a transition that I had to get use to. Walking through the McGill gates on my first day was overwhelming. It was so beautiful and there were so many people; it was hard to grasp that this is the place I was going to spend the next four years. I currently live in Molson Hall, one of the dormitories. It is all the way at the top of Rue University, which is quite a hike everyday. Over time, it has gotten easier and easier to walk, something that has become routine. I live in a one-person dorm room with 31 other kids my age on my floor. In the beginning it was difficult not knowing anyone but after a while these people became my friends and my family while I'm here. Everyday we eat together at Bishop Mountain Hall, our cafeteria. We have a five-day a week meal plan, which serves us breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Although the food is not my mother's home cooked meals, I have learned to live with it. On the weekends we all cook together in our tiny kitchen on our floor.

Since I started University, I will admit I have never worked so hard in my life. My schoolwork from High School doesn’t even compare to the work I have here. I have truly learned the importance of studying and staying on top of your work. You can’t fall behind because that will mess up your entire semester. I am also slowing figuring out what I want to do with my life. With each course I take, I learn more about my interests and myself.

One of the most difficult parts of University is being so far away from my parents and my home friends. I don’t know what I would do without the technology today. I can call or text my friends or family whenever I need them. The greatest invention for me is Ichat, which is a program on Mac computers. With a touch of a button, you can see anyone who has a webcam. To be able to see my parents and my friends on a constant basis is an amazing invention, it helps me from feeling homesick and staying focused on school. It is incredible the technology and how easy it is to communicate with anyone, anywhere.

Now that I have been here for 6 months, I have truly made friends that I will have for life. At the end of the day it is so nice to have people to be with and go out with. In university, it is so important to be able to wind down and relax after classes and all the work we do. These relationships help define my life here and help me through stressful times. My experience has just begun but I am so excited to see where these next four years take me and to see the person I become.

1 comment:

  1. I am very glad that you make friends and are excited to see next. It was quite effective that you mentioned "Now that I have been here for 6 months" only in the last paragraph because I wondered how long you have been while reading it. Also it makes your positive attitude more highlighted particularly because it just precedes the statements about what you enjoy and how you see your future. Keep this project and re-read again before you leave McGill.
