Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Technology Leadership

I am going to start this post with an important question posed in the chapter, "What three communications technologies have influenced you the most on a personal level?” After thinking about this question for a minute, I came up with the most obvious answers as stated in the chapter, television, cell phone, and computer/internet. As someone growing up in the 21st century, these technologies have become vital to my everyday life. It is true that books and printed literacy should be in almost everyone’s top three since most of our education has been based on that. The fact that the Internet and television are so important in our lives proves that they need to be implemented into education as well. This is not to say that printed books aren’t as important as ever, but there are other technologies equally significant.

Technology leadership is extremely important in schools today. Integrating technology into curriculum is no longer an optional action, but a vital and empowering tool that will only help our students. One of the main problems with technology integration is the money and time consuming aspect; this is no easy task. You must have the cooperation of the administration, principal, teachers, students, parents, and community. Each person plays a role in the success of technology in the classroom.

I greatly agree with the statement in the book that technology empowers individuals. The idea that children can have their voices heard because of technology is an amazing feat. The integration of technology allows children to learn on a much deeper level than ever before. This is the importance of technology leadership and why more teachers and districts need to invest in this idea. In order to invest in this idea, you can’t just send teachers to workshops where they sit and watch someone else play around with technology. For technology leadership to truly work, teachers need to be introduced to different forms of technology and have the means to play around with it and learn hands on while interaction with other teachers for different ideas.

Technology is obviously really costly and many school districts feel that it’s not a necessity. Personally, I think that it is one of the most important tools in a school. I know that my school district put it in the budget to put smart boards in every classroom within the next couple years. School districts need to pick and choose what is important to them and they should know the value of technology. If the principal is behind this process, as well as leads and implements, there is no limit to what you can do.

Basically, as a future teacher, I am extremely passionate about technology leadership. This basic idea is one of the main reasons why I took this class. I wanted to be able to learn more about the different programs and ways that I could use technology in the classroom or in my daily life.

1 comment:

  1. You are right in saying that "School districts need to pick and choose what is important to them and they should know the value of technology." Very often administrative decisions are made outside of teachers' scope as well. I believe teachers should be more involved in the decision making process.

    I want to see more writings this month. You can simply write something you want to remember among things we discussed in class. There should be lots of things you might want to say. Keep writing!
