Friday, March 20, 2009


Last class we talked about an extremely heavy topic, suicide. We spoke about why people feel the need to take their own life and how we as teachers should deal with this devastating act. I don't think that I would personally be able to talk to an entire class about the subject. It just seems too personal and emotional a topic to bring up in class. I definitely think that teachers have a responsibility to be available if students want to talk and counselors need to be available.

I was shocked after reading about what is on the web regarding suicide. How can people post ways to kill yourself and talk about it so freely as if it is something to brag about? The only people who commit this horrific act are severely ill and depressed people. Suicide is a serious problem and in many cases can be avoided with the correct guidance and support. I personally believe that counseling and strong relationships help prevent and are the key to helping someone though a difficult time. Websites condoning suicide is terrible and the worst thing that a suicidal person could look at. I personally believe that these sites should be banned. Looking at them in class made me sick.

It is scary that suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for teenagers. As a teenager, I think that it is so important to look after all your closest friends and simply be there for them. Everyone has had bad days and gone through bad times, I know that some people more so than others, but strong relationships and talking to a trained professional can help greatly. Teachers need to be there for their students and report any behavior that could be questionable. Although teachers may not want to get involved in their students lives, they have an obligation to try to protect and help them. I know that when I was having a bad day, it always meant a lot when one of my teachers noticed and asked me how I was even if I didn't want to talk about it. Like it or not teachers play an important role in their student's lives.

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